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A reminder of what Self Belief is and why it is the most important thing in your life

5 simple sentences…


I’ve started each of them for you.


All you have to do is finish them.


Take a moment now.


Think carefully about the words you would put on to the second part of each of these sentences.




Here we go…


When I have a healthy respect for myself I…?


When I feel really good about who I am I…?


When I know and value my own worth I…?


When I feel attractive and at ease with my body and how I look I…?


When I don’t worry about what others think of me I…?


Powerful sentences, right?


So what does it take for you to truly have what these 5 sentences will give you?


A healthy dose of self belief!


And what are the 3 key ingredients of your self belief?


First of all…


You’ve got to know who you are.
You’ve got to have a clear sense of identity.
Never trying to be a faint copy of someone else.
Never wishing for what’s not you.
But knowing that you are unique and there is only one of you on this planet.


And then…


You need the most important ingredient of self belief.
A big piece of self worth.


An integrated belief and feeling of “I am ok because I’m me.”
Accepting, liking, even loving yourself for who you are.


And the third element of self belief?
Realistic self confidence.


Knowing what you are good at and being proud of it.
Knowing what you are not good at and being at ease with it.


All sounds simple right?


And yet…


Perhaps the single biggest thing I have been asked to help my clients with over the last 16 years is their lack of self belief.




Poor parenting.
Ineffective school systems.
Focusing on the wrong things for kids.
Egotistical managers.
Poor work cultures.


(This is a topic I could write for days about!)


And if I could give one gift to every single person on this planet, what would it be?


You guessed it.


A healthy dose of self belief.


I’m off to recognize that I am unique, value that uniqueness and be realistically confident about my abilities.


How about you?


To your happiness and fulfillment.



P.S. A special message to all my Lithuanian friends – if you’d like to learn more about where self belief comes from and gain a comprehensive, proven toolkit for developing your self beliefand gain lifetime access to more than 20 days worth of classroom training with me as a free bonus, click on the link below now and take advantage of this crazy offer before it’s been taken by someone else!



Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

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