Aurimas and Choice

What you will get: A story about Aurimas and choice


“Aurimas woke up at 6am as he always does…”


Forced himself out of bed.


And then…


Just 10 seconds into his new day, his autopilot kicked in.


Shower with the same gel he always uses.
Coffee from the same mug he likes.
Same rushed breakfast on his way out of the door.


Traffic is awful as it was yesterday.
His mind firmly fixed on the days meetings, routines and KPI’s.
Same people.
Same office.
Same tasks.


Lots of stress and frustration in the office.
Forgetting to eat a healthy lunch – spoiled by too many urgent, unforeseen, tasks.
Works late.


Arrives home too late to read goodnight stories to his kids.
No time for jogging again.
So a quick glass of wine to “switch off” from his hectic day.


More work –some of those urgent, unforeseen tasks again.
Still checking emails on his smart phone at 10pm
And then to bed.


To get up and do the same thing again tomorrow.
And the next day…
And the next…


Sure he has a nice car.
Sure he has a nice house.
Sure he can afford to take his family to expensive restaurants where he sits and drinks expensive wine (but still thinks about work as he can’t get it out of his head).


But deep down, Aurimas knows….


Something’s missing.
Something’s not quite right.
Something inside him is slowly dying.


What happened those dreams he had when he was 20?
Financial freedom by the time he was 30?
A job he loved and was always excited about?
Something with real purpose that makes a difference to the world.




Where did they go?


Sadly, Aurimas is not alone.


There are millions like him around the world feeling trapped.
Feeling the pressure of a mortgage and the need to stay in a job they don’t really love.


But you and I know it doesn’t have to be this way.


You see..


We humans have invented a very powerful world that can change everything.


The word is choice.


You see, Aurimas, just like you and I, makes more than 100 choices every day.


And because his unconscious brain is quite lazy, it will make the same choices as yesterday and the day before unless he trains it not to.
And you can’t expect anything to change unless you start making different choices and then act on them.


Sure it’s not easy.
Sure it takes courage.
Sure there is some risk involved.


But the rewards are unmeasurable.
And the cost of not changing things is unthinkable.


And that’s one of the main reasons I have created the Virtual Masters in High Performance Leadership.


To help people like Aurimas take action to move away from mediocrity.
To make your dream’s a reality.
To find a path in life that makes your heart sing every day.


And here’s what I’ve discovered…


Once you find a vocation filled with passion and purpose…
Not only do you have lots of fun every day, but you are much more likely to be successful.


When you heart is in it, the head just follows and helps you figure out how to make it work.


Think about it…


A job that feels like a hobby and you love doing.
More balance and time for sharing those precious moments with your loved ones.
Freedom from financial constraints.


You know, one of my favourite quotes says it all…


“You can’t go back and start at the beginning again…but you can start again now and create a new ending.”


I’m off to rewrite my ending by carefully considering my choices today. How about you?


To your success.







P.S. Have you registered yet for my next free webinar?
“Self Worth – Your Key to a Happy, Successful Life”


When? Sep 3, 2015 4:00 CET at:


In this lively, interactive hour Steve Neale will help you understand the real importance of self worth. Learn how all successful leadership is rooted and self worth and come away inspired with a toolkit to review, refresh and boost your self worth. Perhaps the most important webinar you will ever attend.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Self Worth

What you will get: Self worth part 1 – clarifying what self worth really is


“It could be the most important thing in your life…”


Yet most people don’t even consider it.


What am I talking about?


Your Self Worth.


And what is self worth?


“The degree to which you like, value and accept yourself for who you are.”


True self worth is about being comfortable in your own skin.
It’s about being humble.
It’s about being happy and realistic about your strengths and your areas for development.


It is the greatest gift you can give yourself in life.


Yet so often…


The idea of self worth is confused.


First let’s clarify the term.
Self worth is the same as self regard and self esteem.
But it is NOT the same as self confidence.


You see…


Self confidence is related to what you do. So you can be a confident tennis player or a confident manager.


Self worth is really about who you believe you are. So it is the amalgamation of your beliefs about yourself.


And it’s quite simple…


If you have lots of positive beliefs about yourself you will have healthy self worth. Beliefs like, “I am caring”, “I am a good mother”, and “I am inspiring.”


And if you have lots of negative beliefs about yourself you will have a low self worth. Beliefs like, “I am lazy”, “I am a bad father”, and “I am not intelligent.”


And what are the signs of low self worth?


Well here are just some of the typical areas where low self worth can effect people.


Things like…


  • Criticizing your appearance and not feeling attractive
  • Blaming yourself when things go wrong
  • Comparing yourself to others and feeling inferior
  • Seeking too much approval and attention from others
  • Irrational insecurity in social situations (“they won’t like me”)
  • Lack of clarity on your identity – a confused self image
  • Having Victimitis – feeling you are an innocent victim in a hard world
  • Feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed with praise and compliments
  • Negative self talk – running a dialogue of self-criticism in your own head

    But none of these areas are logical. Like I said, they are just based on your current beliefs.


    And where do your beliefs come from?


    Your previous experiences in life, especially your childhood.


    But here’s the great things about beliefs…


    They are not facts.
    They are not set in stone.
    You can change them.


    Over the years I have helped thousands of people develop their self worth and as a result, change their life.


    So always remember that who you believe you are today is just a film script you are currently running in your head based on what has happened to you so far.


    But all film scripts can be rewritten.


    And that blockbuster masterpiece of your self worth is just waiting to run inside your brain – you may just need a little help in updating it.


    And I want to help you.




    There are important details below under my signature about a free webinar I will be running soon all about boosting your self worth. Sign up now to avoid missing out on this hour dedicated to concrete ways you can boost your self worth.


    Question is, can you afford not to attend this webinar?


    To your self worth.







    Register now for my free webinar: for Self Worth – your key to a happy, successful life on Sep 3, 2015 3:00 PM BST at:



    In this lively, interactive hour Steve Neale will help you understand the real importance of self worth. Learn how all successful leadership is rooted and self worth and come away inspired with a toolkit to review, refresh and boost your self worth. Perhaps the most important webinar you will ever attend.


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


    Steve Neale
    “Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


    Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership


What you will get: How to maximize your training effectiveness


“It costs billions!”


What does?




Every year Billions of Euros, Dollars, Pounds and any other currency you can think of are spent on training employees across the world.


In fact…


A recent survey across the US and Europe showed that over 80% of companies invest in training.


That’s why it really amazes me…


That so many companies do not calculate their return on investment (ROI) on training.


I have had hundreds of meetings with international companies interested in my blended learning leadership programmes, and one of the first questions I ask is…


…how are we going to calculate your ROI?


And most don’t know they answer as they haven’t even thought about this question, so I help them.




Would you get your car repaired and then be happy for it to work for just 2 weeks before it broke down again?


Would you buy a new TV and be happy if it only worked for 20% of the time?


Would you buy a chocolate cake and be happy if it didn’t contain any chocolate?


So why do many companies invest huge amounts of money in training and then forget about the ROI and the follow up?


Beats me!


It’s almost as if they are happy to spend the money and justify using the allocated training budget.


So here’s a few concrete tips that will help you maximize your ROI in training:


  • Start by linking the training to measurable outcomes. There are too many to list here but examples could be having a built in measure in the training (such as my LPI emotional intelligence report), retention rates, absenteeism, sales results, links to internal company performance surveys, attrition rates and customer satisfaction rates (in fact I used all of these with a recent training I did with one client)

  • Always ask 2 key questions before starting the training. What will be the benefits to the trainees and the company if this training is a success? What will be the costs to trainees and the company if we do not do this training and change nothing?

  • Always choose training programmes that offer a chance for follow up and allow learning to take place in regular, small amounts over a longer time period rather than one intensive day or two. One of the reasons I have developed my online Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is to allow people to learn and repeat the learning whenever they want, 24/7. Research shows this is far more effective than the traditional intensive classroom experience of training, where most of what is learned is forgotten when people return to work (the “Honeymoon Effect”)

  • Repeat and repeat and repeat. The Hebbian effect shows us that “cells that fire together, wire together.” This means that if we repeat what we have learned regularly after the initial learning we grow new “learning pathways” in the brain that will become hard wired. Once they are hard wired the new learning has become a habit – we just do it without thinking.

  • Teach others. As soon as you complete any training make a plan of how and when you will teach what you have learned to others. Teaching others requires active learning – so we really have to show we have understood the learning and can interpret in a way that makes sense to us.

  • Change your learning environment and make it stimulating. Another reason I developed the LPS online programme that you can watch on your phone or tablet is so you can take your learning to different environments. Studies show we learn more effectively in stimulating environments, such as in a place of beauty in nature. And if you find yourself limited to classroom/office learning, make sure you decorate the room with inspiring pictures and messages!

    So I’m off to deliver an effective training programme that is going to make a lot of money for one of my clients.


    How about you? How are you going to make sure your next training is effective?


    To your success.







    P.S. To get your immediate lifetime access licence to my online leadership training containing more than 12 days of training content, just
    click here


    P.P.S. To find out more about how I can help your company make money from investing in training, just email me at


    Steve Neale
    “Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


    Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

True Motivation

What you will get: Reflections on your true motivation


“I am going to jump in the sea”


At least that’s what she said she wanted to do.


You see…


I live at the side of a harbour.


And at high tide, lots of kids like to come and jump in the water from the harbour wall.


And that’s just great….


But yesterday, one girl didn’t jump.


She said she wanted to, but she didn’t.


But in the process of telling lots of people very loudly that she was going to jump over the period of about 30 minutes, she got lots of attention.


At one point, I think there were 10 boys around her, all offering advice and help.


Yet still she didn’t jump…


She kept talking about it.
But she didn’t do it.


Which leads me onto the topic of true motivation.


Often you may not be motivated by what you think or say motivates you.


So I suspect that this teenage girl was not motivated by jumping off the harbour wall. But she was motivated by the attention she got – and once that was achieved she no longer needed to jump.


So the key lesson from this is to make sure, when you are setting yourself goals, that they are supported by the right motivation.


If you say you are going to learn Spanish, is it really the Spanish learning that motivates you or the fact that you will meet new people at the Spanish class?


If you say you are going to write a book, is it the writing that motivates you or the positive attention you get from telling people you will write a book?


If you say you want a better work life balance, is it the change in lifestyle that motivates you or the respect you will get from your friends for saying you are not going to work as hard?


This is just one of the reasons….


That people set themselves goals and fail to complete them or are not happy when they do complete them.


So why not ask yourself…


What is this really about?
What are at the roots of my motivation tree?
What are all the different motivators for me in this task?


And chances are…


There are several motivators attached to the same goal.


Is it recognition?
How about financial reward?
How about freedom?
Could it be attention?
How about feeling part of a community?
Is it really about status?
Is it the act of achievement?
Or is it the task itself that motivates you?


And when you match the right motivation to the right task – notice how focused and successful you really can be.


I’m off to make sure my goals for the day have the right motivational foundations.


How about you?


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Don’t Judge Me

What you will get: Reflections on Judgement


“Judgement is the enemy of understanding”


You don’t know me.


Don’t judge me.
You judge my hair.
You judge my colour.
You judge my age.
Yet you don’t know me.


Don’t judge me.
You judge my tattoo.
You judge my clothes.
You judge my accent.
Yet you don’t know me.


Don’t judge me
You judge my mood.
You judge my choices.
You judge my friends.
Yet you don’t know me.


You see.
I am just like you.
I need acceptance.
I need recognition.
I need love.


So when you judge me.
You judge yourself.


Steve Neale


Funny isn’t it, how us humans have a tendency to judge.


But one thing I have learned through my career of studying people is that the same second that you start judging someone is the very same second you stop understanding them.


Sure we can judge actions.
Sure we can judge opinions.
But who are we to judge another person?


Is the person who lied a bad person because he wanted to protect his family?
Is the thief a bad person because he wanted to feed his son?
Is the child stupid because she was unable to get an A grade?


And you know what…


I have discovered that one of the greatest things about people is they often surprise you.


The person you didn’t like can end up being your closest friend.
The boring man may have hidden depths of excitement.
The angry woman may just want to be loved.


And as you and I know…


Judgement is the enemy of understanding.


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Explorer Mindset

What you will get: A reminder of the importance of having an Explorer mindset in life


“Mindset Matters Most”


It really does.


You see…


You do not live in the world.
The world lives in you.


You choose your attitudes and beliefs – your mindset.


And the mindset you choose will be reflected in what you notice in the outside world.


So if you choose a mindset of limits, negativity and stagnation – that is what you will notice from the world around you.


And what about the opposite?


A mindset up opportunity, positivity and growth?


If that is the mindset you choose, then that is what you will get from the world around you.


You know…


I meet many different characters in my travels around the world.


Sometimes I meet Prisoners. People who believe they are trapped in a job and lifestyle of mediocrity and survival.


Sometimes I meet Victims who have caught that horrible disease of Victimitis. People with Victimitis always find someone or something to blame…


“It’s the government’s fault”
“It’s the marketing manager’s fault.”
“It’s the teacher’s fault.”


And then there are…


Pirates. They have big ego’s, want to be always seen to be right and often steal energy and good experiences from others.


Not to forget…


Clinging Crabs. They don’t like it if you grow and get too happy, so they try to hold you back and bring you back down to their level of unhappiness.


Sometimes I come across Holiday Makers. People expecting a free ride because the world owes it to them. They do very little but expect very much.


Now you and I know that these mindset types are not for us.


So what is?


The Explorer mindset.


You see…


The Explorer goes through life open to opportunity. Open to new learning. Always looking to grow and develop. Always prepared to try new things. Never judging anything until they have tried it.


Explorers change themselves and the world. They become strategists, individualists and alchemists.


Explorers rewrite the rules and play the game of life to win, not just to survive.


Explorers have more fun, live longer and are generally happier.


So, I’m off to explore what today will bring me. How about you?


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Set your Meetings apart

What you will get: Tips for improving the quality of your meetings


“All’s Fair in Love and Meetings”


So how many meetings have you attended in the last year?


a. 0-10
b. 11-50
c. 51-75
d. 76-100
e. More than I can possible remember!


Now how would you rate the quality of those meetings?


a. Please God get me out of here, I am losing the will to live and will end up stabbing that egotistical idiot if he doesn’t shut up
b. Boring, boring, boring
c. What’s the point – my life is too short?
d. When I came in this room I am sure my hair wasn’t grey?
e. I will kill the next person who speaks.
f. All of the above


So why is it meetings can be so bad?


What goes wrong and what can you do so you stop wasting your life stuck in rooms losing the will to live?


Well here’s where the latest neuroscience can help you.


You see…


The biggest problem happens in meetings when we feel they are not fair. It’s like we have a fairness switch in our brain, and as soon as someone hits it and we think things are not fair, all sorts of negative things happen.


Things that trigger your fairness switch could be…


  • That egotistical a**hole who always speaks for the sake of speaking
  • Feelings that you are not listened to
  • Unfair and undemocratic ways of making decisions
  • Poor chairing
  • Lack of structure and focus
  • People arriving late
  • People arriving unprepared
  • People not listening


And once your fairness switch in your brain is triggered, here’s what happens:


  • You use more oxygen and glucose
  • Your working memory becomes worse
  • Your creativity is impaired
  • Your stress levels go up
  • Your immune system is less effective
  • Your ability to learn is reduced
  • Your productivity, focus and effectiveness levels are all decreased.


No wonder so many meetings are a waste of time!


Just imagine a whole bunch of fairness switches being triggered in one room!


So what can you do about this?


Make fairness a core value of all of your meetings.


And define exactly what fairness means in terms of specific behaviours.


Things like…


  • Arriving on time
  • Allowing ALL team members to share their opinion
  • Preventing dominant members from taking too much “talk time”


…you get the idea.


So I’m off to take part in a fair and productive meeting. How about you?


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

You are not dead

What you will get: An important reflection on death and regret


“There are 2 guarantees in life”


One is change.


The other is death!


Yes, sorry if I sound a tad pessimistic. But you are going to die (not right now, don’t panic!!).


Now rather than seeing this as bad news (sorry if you are in shock right now), why not see it as a chance to focus on life.


The way I see it…


Far too many people are left on their deathbeds full of regret.


In fact…


Several years ago, Bronnie Ware, a nurse who spend many years working with terminally ill patients, decided to ask her patients what their biggest regrets about life were.


And then she wrote an article about the top 5 regrets (surprisingly called “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying” !)


And what do you think the biggest regrets of dying people are?


What do you think people regret most about their lives?


Well here they are…


And as you read through these please take a moment to think if any of these are in any way true for you.


1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.


Powerful stuff, eh?


Now here’s the good news…


You are not dead. (Phew!)


So if there is just a tiny piece of truth in any of the above statements in relation too your life – change it!


You see…


When your time finally comes, do you think you will be lying on your deathbed reflecting on the latest smartphone and how much happiness it brought you?


Or how much you loved spending time on social media as it increased the quality of your life?


Or perhaps your greatest happiness in life came from all the extra hours of work and stress you endured so you could have a bigger car?


I don’t think so!


You and I know that what really matters is love, connection, giving from the heart, sharing and the pure joys of the simple things in life.


So I’m off to make sure I have no regrets in my life, how about you?


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

The Painful Pancake

What you will get: Reflections on your recipe for a happier life


“Don’t eat it!”


It’s a recipe for disaster.


Yet so many people eat it every single day.


What am I talking about?


The painful pancake.


And what are the ingredients of a painful pancake?


Well first you have to put in…


A job with no passion


Mixed smoothly with…


Pressure of finance


And a dose of…


Friends you no longer connect with.


Add to this…


Energy vampires who are sucking you life blood away (you know who they are).


Then make sure you are…


Too busy working to change things
Too busy working to make serious money
Too busy working to make more time


And add a sprinkle of…


Irritating work colleagues
People who tell you you can’t do it.
A few ungrateful people


And don’t forget


A feeling of tiredness at meeting the expectations of others.


(And once you have made it, don’t forget to take a piece home to share with your family every night!)


And there you have it!


So you just add those ingredients together and eat the pancake every day for about 40 years until you retire.


Job done – the perfect recipe for disaster!


But you and I know this recipe is not for us.
As a fellow life-long learner you are destined for bigger, better things.


No painful pancakes for you…not on your life!


So instead, maybe it’s a good time to stop and think of all the ingredients you already have, and will continue to add, to your perfect pancake recipe.


What goes into your mix to…


Crush monotony and boredom in your life?
Dump the energy vampires?
Surround yourself with energy givers?
Spend each day doing something that makes your heart sing?
Live every moment to the full?
Fire your levels of joy and happiness into the next galaxy?


Tastes good, doesn’t it?


And when you’ve made it, don’t forget to share a few slices with others.


I’m off to eat another piece of my perfect pancake, how about you?


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Tune your Brains

What you will get: Insights into your different brains


“Point to your brain right now!”


So where did you point (or at least imagine pointing)?


Your head, I guess?


You see…


That’s not the only place you could have pointed to.
Back to that in a moment.


But first let’s consider what defines a brain?


An organ that has…


  • Millions of neurons
  • Neuronal plasticity
  • Connections to the whole body
  • A memory storage capacity
  • The ability to produce and regulate hormones and change “feelings” around the body
  • The ability to react and make changes independently


And your “head” brain certainly has all of the above.


But so does your heart.


And so does your gut.


So technically…


You have 3 brains…


A head brain.
A heart brain.
A gut brain.




Ancient philosophies have been telling us this for thousands of years.


It’s just that now we have the neuroscience to back up this ancient wisdom.


Think about it…


Why do we have such phrases in our language as…


“Go with your heart.”
“What’s your gut instinct”
“It was a heartfelt decision”


Because our language patterns are grounded in truth!


So your heart does create chemical changes in your body (feelings)
Your gut does have a instinct.


And we’ve all had times…


When our head, heart and gut brains are not aligned.


Your heart says one thing, your head says another.
The deal seems good on paper but your instinct says no.
You go with your hunch when logically it does not make sense.


So what’s the lesson here?


Respect all 3 of your brains and listen to them!


Because they all serve you and your best interests in different ways.


In matters of reason and logic and understanding, your head brain will help.


In matters of love, emotion and feelings, your heart brain is wise.


And for those big, life changing decisions, your gut instinct wants only what is best for you – so it will warn you if things aren’t right.


So I’m off to tune in to all 3 of my brains.


How about you?


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership