The old man story

What you will get: A reflection on the importance of beliefs


“So, what do you believe?”


A stranger walked into a new town.


And as he entered the town, he saw an old man sitting on a rocking chair.


“He seems like a local,” thought the stranger to himself. “I think I’ll ask him a question.”


“Good afternoon, sir,” stated the stranger. “Could you please tell me what the people are like in this town?”


“Well now,” reflected the old man. “That all depends. What are the people like in the town you come from?”


“They are negative, selfish and arrogant,” replied the stranger.


“Now that is strange,” said the old man. “You will find the people in this town to be just the same.”


Now later the same day…


A different stranger walked past the old man. Again he was curious about the people of the town.


“Tell me, what are the people like in this town?”


“Well now,” reflected the old man for the second time that day. “That all depends. What are the people like in the town you come from?”


“ They are kind, positive and generous, “ replied the second stranger.


“Now that is strange,” said the old man. “You will find the people in this town to be just the same.”


So what is this story all about?




You beliefs determine how you see the world.
Your beliefs determine how you experience each day.
Your beliefs are directly related to your happiness and success in life.


It’s like this…


If you choose to believe the world is a negative place full of bad people, guess what? That is what you will see.


And if you choose to believe the world is a positive place full of good people and endless opportunities, guess what? That is what you will see.


You see…


Our beliefs act as filters to the world we see around us.


Each day we are given way too much information for the logical part of our brain to notice, process and focus on.


So our beliefs, which live in our limbic system (subconscious brain), filter what information we “notice”.


So if we have bad beliefs about the world and people, we tend to see bad things and bad people.


And if we have good beliefs about the world and people, we tend to see good things and people!


I know which type of world I have chosen to create with my beliefs – how about you?


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!

Teams vs Groups

What you will get: A comparison of groups and teams


“Have you earned the ‘TEAM’ title?”


It is easy for a group of people to call themselves a “team” – but that does not mean they are a team!


You see…


As far as I see it, you have to earn the title of “team.”


For example, I have encountered many senior management teams over the years who actually behave like a group of people, not a team of people.


So what’s the difference?


Well, here is a list of comparisons on how I see a GROUP compared to a real TEAM.


As I go through the list, it may be useful for you to reflect on the team or teams you are in, and decide for yourself if it is a real team.


  • In a group, members feel they have been put together for administrative purposes only. In a team, there is a true sense of interdependence. In other words a 1 + 1 = 4 mentality.

  • Group members tend to work and think independently for personal gain. In a team, there is little time for personal gain – it is all about working together.

  • In a group, members do not feel committed to a common goal. Teams have common, agreed goals, clear values and clarity of purpose. And all members work towards those agreed goals.

  • In a group, there is little sense of loyalty. So if members disagree with a group decision, they often go outside the group and criticise it. Team members stay loyal to agreed team decisions, even if they disagree personally.

  • In a group there is little sense of ownership – members are just told what to do. Teams involve people in decision making, create shared ownership and welcome new ideas.

  • In a group, trust levels are often low. Members are cautious about what they say and play political games. Teams create a climate of trust and openness – and listening to people’s ideas and concerns is welcomed.

  • In a group conflict is often avoided as it is seen as a win-lose (“What’s the point, he always does what he wants anyway!”). Teams recognise conflict as a normal thing amongst humans, and always openly embrace it as an opportunity for a win-win.


Of course, I could continue, but I guess you get the idea?


So the title of “team” is not something to take lightly.


It is a title that needs to be earned by creating common values, beliefs and goals. And it needs to be worked on each day by creating and reinforcing acceptable team behaviour codes.


Then, and only then, can you call yourselves a team.


So, are you currently in a team or a group?


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!

Inside-Out Living

What you will get: An understanding of inside-out living


“Turn Your Life Upside Down!”


Most people live their lives the wrong way round!


They live from the outside in.
True happiness and success comes from living inside out.


What do I mean?


Well, in one of the most famous TED talks ever made , Simon Sinek explains the golden circle of 3 vital questions:




So let me explain the way most people live their lives, outside in.


If you ask them WHAT they do each day, they can tell you.


Their routines.
Their daily behaviours
Their KPIs


But then if you ask them HOW they do it, they often don’t know.


And by “how” I don’t mean process. I mean which values and uniqueness they bring to their daily tasks.


There are many ways to get from A to B, right?


So do you do it with integrity, openness and fun? Or is your way about fear, manipulation and control?


And then to the BIG question – the WHY question.


WHY do you do it?
And by that I mean what purpose does it serve? What difference does it make to you and others?


Sadly, most people don’t know the answer to this question.
A job is just a job, right?


Exceptional leaders of themselves and others do things the other way round.


They start by asking the WHY question – gaining clarity on the purpose of doing things.


Then they answer the HOW question – gaining clarity on their values and unique talent.


Then, and only then, do they figure out WHAT they will do to live their purpose and values.


And here’s the best part…


When you ask the WHAT question, you engage the logical part of your brain.


When you ask the HOW and WHY questions, you engage your limbic system. Your limbic system is the subconscious part of your brain responsible for feelings, motivation, beliefs and driving behaviour.


So the WHY question drives behaviour, the WHAT question doesn’t.


Which is exactly why logic rarely persuades people to do something, emotions do.


If you want your team to follow you on a new initiative, make sure you answer their WHY and HOW questions first, before you tell them WHAT you will do.


If you don’t, there will be no clear purpose.


And with no clear purpose, they will always ask, “What’s the point?”


So, is it time to start leading your life upside down?


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!

Being vs Doing

What you will get: A comparison of being vs doing


“Do you live up to your job title?”


Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you are a human being?


Am I correct?


OK, so my next question is do you live up to your job title?


You see…


We are all called human BEings, and we are not called human DOings.


Yet most people spend most or all of the time doing things and not just being.




They don’t know how.
They forgot how.
They can’t find a way off the busy hamster wheel.


So what do I mean by being?


Well it could be lots of things, such as…


Having nothing on the agenda.
A peaceful walk in nature being mindful of the sights and smells.
Relaxing without social media and your smart phone
Allowing yourself not to be busy.
Really stopping to notice the wonderful taste of your freshly made coffee.
Giving yourself permission just to have fun and relishing every moment of it.
Laughing until your stomach hurts.


You get the idea.


You see…


If we don’t re-learn to BE more and DO less, we begin to suffer.


Our health suffers.
Our energy suffers.
Our motivation suffers.
Our relationships suffer.


(I say re-learn because as children we all know how to BE and lose ourselves in the moment, right?)


And talking of mindfulness (being present in the moment)…


Are you aware in some cultures they have no future or past tense in their language?


That’s right, they can only talk about the present because there is only the present!


As the famous author and psychologist Robert Holden explained it in a talk I saw him at a few years ago, without more BEing, the typical life story of a busy business person in the developed world looks a little like this…


busy….busy….retirement….DEAD! “


Kind of funny and tragic at the same time, don’t you think?


Here’s some questions to think about…


Did you make a “to do” list today? Are you good at making ”to do” lists to prioritise and organise your busy time?


How about a “to be” list?


When was the last time you asked yourself how am I going “to be” today?


When was the last time you deliberately left a space in your diary that you called “to be” time?


When was the last time you were really mindful of the many beautiful things each day brings you, if you allow yourself to notice them?


I’m off to BE now, how about you?


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!

Who vs What

What you will get: Clarity on the vital difference between self worth and self confidence


“It changed my life!”


As I sat and listened, I knew something changed inside of me.


One of those special “WOW” moments that create a paradigm shift in your beliefs that change the way you see the world.




It was about 12 years ago, and I was sat listening to a guy called Tim Sparrow explain the difference between self worth and self confidence.


You see…


These two important concepts often get misunderstood and confused.


Self worth is about who you believe you are.


Self confidence is about what you do.


Now I’m going to say something you may find really odd…


“As long as you have high self worth, it doesn’t matter if you have low self confidence!”


Hang on a minute!


Before you decide that I have gone crazy, please let me explain.


Let’s say you asked me to climb a rock face today, with no training or experience. And then you asked me where my self confidence to do the task was on a scale of 1 to 10.


I would say 1 out of 10.


I have never climbed before.
I don’t know how to climb.
I have no idea how to even start!


So what!


I have low self confidence for this task. But I have high self worth (something I chose to develop over the years).


I am happy with my strengths.
I am happy with my faults.
I am happy with who I am.


And with this high self worth, I never need to prove myself at any tasks. Or to any person.


Sure, it would be nice to learn how to climb.
So maybe you teach me and in 6 months my confidence is at 8 out of 10.


So what!


My belief in who I am is, and always will be, more important than my confidence to perform specific tasks.


And that’s why is astonishes me…


That our education systems and workplaces focus so much on what people do and so little on who people are.


I’m not saying what you do is not important – but who you believe you are is MUCH more important.


And here’s the great news…


The more content you become with who you are, the more open you are to trying and learning new things.


What’s the worst that could happen? You don’t succeed and learn something valuable in the process!


And that’s why…


It’s only people with low self worth who need to boast and act in an arrogant and over confident way.


It’s as if they need to prove themselves to the world in order to feel ok about themselves.


But with high self worth, you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone.


With high self worth…


You are humble.
You are content.
You are more likely to have more respect and less judgment of others.


So isn’t it time you prioritised the amount that you value yourself?


It might just be the greatest gift you ever gave yourself.


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!

Oszkar and Change

What you will get: A deeper understanding of why humans resist change


“We are just like Oszkar!”


Here is a picture of my dog, Oszkar.


Oszkar can teach you and I something valuable about change management.


Let me share that with you.


You see…


When Oszkar was a puppy, we socialised him with lots of animals. Other dogs. Horses. Cats. Sheep.


That way, he would get used to these “strange” creatures at an early age.


And he did.


As an 11 year old dog now, I can safely say he has gone through his life without any problems with these animals. (well maybe not cats – but he is a dog, right?)


But not cows!


About 2 years ago we moved to a different part of the UK. And most mornings on his walk, Oszkar walks past cows.


He barks.
And he barks.
And barks some more.


This is not a happy, excited, “please oh please throw me a ball” kind of bark.
It’s an unhappy, “What the hell are you, you strange black and white creature?” bark.


So what is the emotion underlying Oszkar’s barks at the cows?




Fear of something different.
Fear of something new.
Fear of something uncertain.


You and I are the same.


You see…


Just like Oszkar, humans also fear what they do not know.


Basically, every time you are presented with something, within milliseconds, your subconscious brain (limbic system) scans your memory database to decide how you should react.


You have 3 basic reaction positions:


1 – The limbic system remembers the stimulus in a positive way and you react positively (I have had ice cream before and I like it!)


2 – The limbic system remembers the stimulus in a negative way and you react negatively (Last time someone asked me to dance I made a fool of myself so I don’t like dancing!)


3 – The limbic system has no clear memories about the stimulus and you react negatively (I have no idea what these company changes will mean for me so watch out and be cautious!)


That’s right…


Just like Oszkar, when we are presented with something we do not know, we react with caution at best, rejection and negativity at worst.


So remember..


Your initial reaction to something new is just your limbic system trying to protect you.


It may be totally unrelated to if the new thing will be good for you.


And of course…


Don’t be surprised if when you start introducing changes to your colleagues and team they react negatively.
They are just trying to protect themselves as they go into unknown territory.


Just like Oszkar the first time he saw a cow!


Are you ready for change?


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!

You might as well burn money!

How much money did your company burn last year?


100,000 EUROs?

250,000 EUROs?

Or was it more than 1,000,000 EUROs?>


You see…


Every company I have worked with has problems with performance.


The team that is always arguing.
The leader who dictates and creates a fear culture.
The sales person who knows it all.


So what do most companies do?


They try to fix the performance issues with training.


But training alone doesn’t work!




Well there are lots of reasons.


First of all, as I mentioned on a previous Monday Motivation, there are 4 key elements to performance.




And most training only covers 2 of these – knowledge and skills.


But in reality…


It’s often poor attitudes and the habits that form from these attitudes that cause performance problems.


And what’s more…


The training content itself is directed at the logical part of the brain. But it’s the limbic system (subconscious brain) that is responsible for all lasting change in people – not the logical brain.


So that’s a bit like trying to teach your team to learn in Chinese when none of them speak it!


Then of course there’s the honeymoon effect


We all know it.


You go to the training.
You have a great time.
You come away full of good intentions.


And what next?


There are 3,000 emails in your inbox.
You go back into your familiar work environment.
Everyone wants a piece of your time as you’ve been away training for 2 days.


The result?


You don’t activate what you learned, and the training is wasted.


And don’t ever forget the Ebbinghaus Effect!


What on earth is this?


Well, Herman Ebbinghaus did some valuable research into memory in the late 19th Century.


And what did he find?


People’s ability to recall information decreases rapidly.
In just a few hours, more than 60% of new information you have received is forgotten!


And after only 1 month you have forgotten more than 90% of what you learned.


Like I said, your company is burning money!


And then…


What about the staff who leave?


You invest in an expensive leadership course for 20 leaders.
3 months later, 4 of them have left.


And as they walked out they door…>


So did your investment!


Fortunately, there are solutions to most of these training problems.


Here’s my top tips that I incorporate into all of my programmes to ensure maximum return on investment for you and your company:


  • Direct all training content, via skilled activities, at both the subconscious and the conscious brain
  • Make delegates accountable for their promised actions – build in follow up result sharing to all training
  • Use 1 to 1 coaching as well as group work
  • Make sure you get people to share the training input with others soon after the event. The more you share with others, the more you memorise and learn yourself
  • Make sure the training is combined with a longer term continuity plan. For example, with my own training I give people access to my online leadership course, the Limbic Performance System, so delegates repeat the content, re-learn it and have follow up workshops to “activate” the content
  • Don’t be fooled by trainers who tell you they can fix everything in 1 training day – they can’t. True lasting change takes focus, time, repetition, follow up and skilled support


So are you ready to take action and help your company to stop burning money?


Your success partner




Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme. Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!

How’s your energy?

What you will get: A chance to review your current energy levels


“Are you managing your energy spirals?”


“I feel tired most of the time”
“I just don’t have the spark I had when I was younger”
“I wish I had more energy”
“I just want to collapse in front of the TV when I get home”


Sound familiar?


Who doesn’t want more energy?


More energy to work.
More energy to play.
More energy to do all the things you want to do.


Over the last decade, I have coached thousands of fellow leaders, and one of the most common things people want to improve is their energy.


So where do you start?


Well the first thing to realise is that there are different types of energy.


There is your…


Physical energy
Mental energy
Emotional energy


And your…


Spiritual energy


Your physical energy is about your fitness, diet, weight and general health.


Your mental energy is about your mindset, positivity, optimism and general outlook towards life.


Your emotional energy is about how your are feeling day to day and the balance of positive emotions and negative emotions you have


And your spiritual energy is about your connection to something bigger – perhaps God, nature, a higher purpose or the universe.


And what’s more, the four types of energy are all connected.


Picture the scene…


You’ve had a bad day at work and are feeling irritated and demotivated (emotional energy)


…so you skip your evening run (physical energy)


…and you sit and worry about the problems of the day (your mental energy)


…and totally forget to get a sense of perspective on what really matters (your spiritual energy)


Before you know it…


You are trapped in a negative energy spiral!


But hang on a minute!


You can reverse this anytime you want!


So you decide to focus on 3 good things that happened today (mental energy goes up)


…and that triggers some good feelings and you start to smile (emotional energy goes up)


… which means you decide to go for that run after all (improves your physical energy)


…and whilst jogging you notice the beautiful nature around you and get a clearer sense of perspective of what really matters (spiritual energy is up)


In fact, you just activated your positive energy spiral.


So what will you do to manage your energy spirals from now on?


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!


What you will get: Clarity on how to stop burning cash


“Using KASH to save CASH”


Companies waste a fortune every year.




Because of an over simplistic view of training, development and performance.


You know the situation…


A member of the customer service team is not performing, failing to get the desired level of feedback from customers.


So what normally happens?


They get sent on a customer service course.
And then another one.
And then another.


But nothing really changes.


You see…


Until you truly integrate the KASH model into your performance criteria, you will keep wasting CASH.


And what does KASH stand for?




In order to be outstanding at anything you do, you need all 4 of the KASH elements to be in place…


You need the knowledge of how to do it.
You need to have the right attitudes (“I want to do it”, “I can do it”, “I love doing it”).
You need the skills to apply the knowledge.
And you need to have developed the right habits.


The problem is…


Most training only works with knowledge and skills.
And you and I know that attitudes and habits are often what cause performance problems.


So what can you do about this?


Make sure your trainer is competent and skilled at working with attitudes.


Make sure the training content works with the subconscious brain (responsible for changing attitudes and habits)


Engage a competent coach who can work with attitudes and habits.


And always, always, do a KASH analysis of the underperforming employee before you start wasting money.


Are you ready to use KASH to save CASH?


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!


What you will get: A reflection on authentic leadership


“Will the real you please stand up!”


It’s really hard work to not be yourself.


You see…


Playing a role in life takes effort.


It drains your energy.
It feels uncomfortable.
It drains your soul.


Yet, over the last decade…


So many people have come to me and asked me to help them find their authentic self.


And some even say to me…


“But Steve, you can’t be the same at work as you are with your friends and family”


Why can’t you?


Sure you would look silly talking like you do to with your 3 year-old daughter to your management team.
But that’s not what I am talking about.


I am talking about being true to yourself all of the time.
I am talking about authentic leadership.
I am talking about not compromising your personal values.
I am talking about knowing your own personality preferences and being open and honest about them.
I am talking about respectfully expressing how you feel to others and why you feel that way.


Of course…


There may be good reasons why you have felt you need to play a role.


Maybe it’s what your parents expected of you?
Maybe you think a leader is supposed to act in a certain way?
Maybe you act in a certain way because you feel that’s what others will want to see?


And sure, living a life true to your values, beliefs and heart’s true desires is hard sometimes.


But not living a life true to your core values and beliefs will kill you.


You know…


There’s a lot of talk right now about different leadership styles.


Situational leadership
Directive leadership
Coaching Leadership
Motivational Leadership


The list goes on…


But none of these styles of leadership will work if you do not bring into them your true self – your authenticity.


And what’s more…


People love authenticity.


If you are honest, open and authentic people around you like it, and often want to follow your example.


And if people want to follow you – doesn’t that make you a leader?


Have fun being yourself!


Your success partner







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Want more time, less stress and better results?


The Limbic Performance System for Outstanding Leadership is here to help you  – Steve Neale’s BRAND NEW online leadership programme.  Click here to watch an exciting new video all about the LPS!