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Don’t Judge Me

What you will get: Reflections on Judgement


“Judgement is the enemy of understanding”


You don’t know me.


Don’t judge me.
You judge my hair.
You judge my colour.
You judge my age.
Yet you don’t know me.


Don’t judge me.
You judge my tattoo.
You judge my clothes.
You judge my accent.
Yet you don’t know me.


Don’t judge me
You judge my mood.
You judge my choices.
You judge my friends.
Yet you don’t know me.


You see.
I am just like you.
I need acceptance.
I need recognition.
I need love.


So when you judge me.
You judge yourself.


Steve Neale


Funny isn’t it, how us humans have a tendency to judge.


But one thing I have learned through my career of studying people is that the same second that you start judging someone is the very same second you stop understanding them.


Sure we can judge actions.
Sure we can judge opinions.
But who are we to judge another person?


Is the person who lied a bad person because he wanted to protect his family?
Is the thief a bad person because he wanted to feed his son?
Is the child stupid because she was unable to get an A grade?


And you know what…


I have discovered that one of the greatest things about people is they often surprise you.


The person you didn’t like can end up being your closest friend.
The boring man may have hidden depths of excitement.
The angry woman may just want to be loved.


And as you and I know…


Judgement is the enemy of understanding.


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

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