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What you will get: Reflections on the importance of Trust


The Psychological Contract


Perhaps the most important contract in any organisation.


Yet sadly, it’s often overlooked.


You see…


Maybe it’s easier to create targets, KPI’s, performance measures, and all the other measures organisations spend hours and hours analysing in spreadsheets.


But what good is all of this, if people don’t trust and respect each other?


Think about this question for a moment…


What is lack of trust costing your organisation right now?


Wasted time?
Wasted energy?
Wasted resources?


In fact…


You could go as far as saying that TRUST lies at the heart of any successful organisation.


If you create an organisational climate built on trust, there will be no game playing.


And what’s more…


People will share ideas.
People will support each other.
People will express how they feel openly, without fear of being judged.


And there will be no back-stabbing for personal gain.


So how do your build trust?




Of course I’m not saying it’s easy to develop a climate of high levels of openness and trust. But if you want high levels of engagement and performance that last, trust is essential.


So how about your team or organisation right now? If you were to take this quick poll, taken from my brand new Limbic Performance System online programme and App, what would your team say…










I’m off to review my team’s psychological contract and prioritise trust and openness.


How about you?


To your success.








P.S. Have you contacted me about how you can become a Master of Your Limbic System yet?
Class VII of my Masters in High Performance Leadership starts in just 2 weeks time and places are limited–so email me at now to set up an informal interview with me today.


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High-Performance Leadership

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