Positive Reinforcement

What you will get: A reminder of the importance of positive reinforcement


“Leadership Lessons from a Dog Trainer”


So yesterday I took my 4 month old puppy Odi for his second dog training session. (see cute photo above)


And something the dog trainer said got me thinking about leadership.


First let me explain the type of training we are using with Odi…


…positive reinforcement


No anger.
No shouting.
No saying “no”


Just ignoring him or distracting him when he does something wrong (like eating my new trainers or tearing a hole in my new jacket!)


And praising him BIG time with positive words and treats when he does something right.


And you know what?


It works!


I can officially say that after just 2 weeks of training we have a really well behaved puppy.


So back to what Sue, the dog trainer said…


“It amazes me how so many owners come here and ignore their dogs when they are behaving well, and then give them attention when they start doing things wrong.”


You see…


Dogs, just like children and employees in your organization, love attention.


So if you ignore the dog when he is behaving well, and only give him attention when he starts doing things wrong…


…guess what?


The dog quickly learns that doing things wrong is better than behaving well, because at least he gets attention that way!


And as any dog owner or parent knows, negative attention is better than no attention at all.


So what’s this got to do with organizational performance and leadership?




Just like…


…Sue the dog trainer is amazed by how many owners fail to praise their dogs for behaving well, it amazes me how many company leaders fail to praise their staff when they are doing a good job.


In many companies, it’s assumed that people do things well and are just left alone when they do.


But if someone screws up, you can be sure they get lots of attention and feedback then.


Why not flip this round?


Why not actively seek authentic opportunities to praise your colleagues when they are doing a good job.


And when they do screw up?


Quickly turn this into an opportunity for learning, focus on what can be taken from the situation and help make it into a positive experience.


Just imagine…


An end to those endless meetings focused on problems, negativity and what is wrong!


Sounds good doesn’t it?


So, go do it!


I’m off to positively reinforce my dog for sitting quietly at my feet while I wrote this.


How about you? What positive praise will you share today?


To your success







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

The 4 R’s

What you will get: An overview of the 4R Life Roadmap




Otherwise known as the 4 R’s.


Something I came across on a recent NLP training course I did with Lizzi Larbalestier. (Neuro Linguistic Programming – if you never heard of it before google it and you’ll find it’s BIG)


Now Lizzi presented them…


as the foundation of successful NLP.


I think they are bigger than that. I think they are a road map for life.


So what do they stand for?




Let’s take a look at each in turn….


Respect is about acknowledging and valuing what you and others bring. Respect also forms an important foundation on my
Limbic Performance System
leadership model.


In order to be a great leader of yourself, you first need to respect yourself.


And in order to build successful, lasting relationships with others, you first must respect them.


And what about Recognition?


Well it’s all about realising we are all different and treating people as
would like to be treated. Kind of an update on the old cliché “treat others as you would expect to be treated yourself.” Actually, it’s far wiser to treat others as they would expect to be treated themselves.


And then there’s…


This is all about going through life being curious and not critical. Realising that there is no simple right and wrong, and adding choice and opportunity and ideas to the short time you spend on this planet.


And of course there’s responsibility.


Talking responsibility for…


…your own actions.
…your choices.
…your destiny.


Responsibility is kind of the opposite of “Victimitis” – believing and acting like you are an innocent victim of circumstance throughout life and can change nothing.


So the jury’s out – are the 4R’s simply an ethical code to be used by NLP Practitioners?


Or do they provide a road map for how to live your life?


What do you think?


I’m off to respect, recognise, reassure and be responsible.


How about you?


To your success







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Self fulfilling prophecy and beliefs

What you will get: Reflection son the Self Fulfilling Prophecy


“Do you live in the world, or does the world live in you?”


OK I admit it, that’s quite a deep question for a Monday morning.


But perhaps one of the most important questions you can ask yourself.


I guess you’ve heard of the Self Fulfilling Prophecy, right?


What you expect to get is what you get.


So expecting the worst, leads to the worst.
Expecting the best, leads to the best.


Well here’s how the self fulfilling prophecy works.


You see…


It’s all about perception, filters and beliefs.


Let me explain…


Let’s say you have a belief that women drivers are bad (For the record, NOT my belief!)


And you drive to work one morning, noticing at least three examples of women drivers pulling out in front of cars when the gap was too small.


Your belief is confirmed, so it must be true, right?




Or how about the newspaper you choose to read. Funny isn’t it that it seems to support your political views. So they must be right, right?




It’s like this…


We all go around every day with our own beliefs filtering what we notice or don’t notice.


So the world you see is not an objective reality – but merely a subjective reflection of your own belief systems.


Therefore, going back to answer my headline question, you do not live in the world. The world lives in you.


If you choose to believe that women drivers are bad, then this belief will filter all the things you notice on your drive to work (as there is way too much information around you for you to take it all in). So you notice the three examples of bad driving by women. And surprise surprise, your belief is confirmed!


That’s why…


You have to be very careful what you believe.


Every day your belief systems will filter what you notice and don’t notice about the world around you.


And negative beliefs will “show” you a negative world around you. Positive beliefs will reveal a positive world around you.


And then of course…


There’s the media.


What type of picture do you think the media is painting of the world?


A positive world? “No thanks,” say the media people
Let’s pack the news full of misery, despair and negativity.


So reading the papers every day and watching the news is fine if you’re happy to see the media’s view of the world through it’s negative belief glasses.


Personally, I choose to wear my happy world glasses every day.


Believing the world is a good place.
Noticing what is right about the world.
And acting in a way that’s consistent with my belief.


Works for me.


How about you?


To your success.







Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Sea, mist and clarity

What you will get: Understanding of the importance of clarity


“It rolls in slowly, masking everything it touches with an eerie cold…”


And as it engulfs all in its path, it covers it with a blanket of confusion.


What am I talking about?


Sea mist.


You see…


My house is at the side of an open harbour, and so I often find myself observing the sea mist as it rolls in from the Altantic Ocean, smothering the view in a wall of cloud.


And that got me thinking….


So many people live their lives under this blanket of cloud and confusion.


Most people have dreams.
Most people want a more freedom and choice.
Most people want a job that makes their heart sing.


And most people fail to get any of the above.


And one of the reasons why they fail to get it is the sea mist that surrounds them.


As my colleague Peter Thomson once told me,


“Resistance is created through lack of Clarity.”


So until you remove the sea mist from your life and gain clarity on exactly where you want to go and why you want to go there, don’t be surprised if you find you don’t get there!


Clarity on your destination gives you a target. It enables you to see, feel and sense what the final outcome looks like. And once you have created that clear destination, you just need to fill in the practical steps to get there.


Add to this your…


…and energy


…and the mist starts to clear as you sail through it to towards the sunny horizon.


So general goals like, “I want to earn more money” and pretty useless as they are clouded in sea mist. It is not a clear goal.


But a goal like, “”I want to make €75,000 in the financial year 2016-2017,” is clear.


Then add to this goal a clear reason why you want to achieve that goal, such as “So I can spend more time with my family, buy my parents the new car they always wanted and donate €5,000 to Save the Children for their Africa Project”.


Now the mist has cleared.
Now you can focus.
Now you have a clear destination.


I’m off to gain even further clarity on my goals for the next year.


How about you?


To your success







P.S. Right now I am recruiting for the new class of the Accredited Virtual Masters in High Performance Leadership. Watch this to find out how the Masters could change your life!


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Happy and unhappy memory files

What you will get: Reflections on the techniques of association and dissociation


“Which files do you access daily?”


You see…


Your subconscious mind is a little like a filing cabinet. Full of memories about your experiences in life so far.


And the memories you choose to access regularly (the files you pull out each day) will determine how you feel each day. They will determine how happy you are.


Let’s give it a try…


Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a time in your life when you were really happy.


Picture in detail…


…where you are
…what your surroundings are like (where are you, inside or out?)
…who you are with (or maybe you are not with anybody?)
…what are you wearing.


So really “step in” to this happy memory, as if you are actually in the moment again now.


Now notice how you are feeling the moment you open your eyes.


Feeling good?


That’s because …


Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between
a memory and reality.


So if you imagine something is happening clearly and vividly, your brain starts to believe it is happening and produces chemical changes (feelings) that fit the memory.


So happy memories trigger happy feelings.


And unhappy memories trigger unhappy feelings.


So your imagination is actually your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on how you choose to use it.


In the world of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), practitioners refer to the techniques of Association and Dissociation.


So the trick is…


To learn to Associate (or step in) to happy memories, reliving them as if you are in the moment again now.


And then to Dissociate (step away from) unhappy memories. So you don’t pretend the unhappy memory is not there, but when you catch yourself thinking about it you step out of your body and kind of look at from a safe distance. So like a curious observer.


And when you Master these techniques, you will get the emotional benefits of happy memories. And you will learn to detach from unhappy memories, so you acknowledge them but you don’t “feel” them every time they pop up in your conscious awareness.


Make sense?


So like I said, if all your memories are like files in a filing cabinet, be careful which ones you choose to take out and relive in your mind – your happiness depends on it!


I’m off to dive into one of my happy memory files.


How about you?


To your success







P.S. Right now I am recruiting for the new class of the Accredited Virtual Masters in High Performance Leadership. Watch this to find out how the Masters could change your life!


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

The Age of Deadly Distraction

What you will get: Some reflections on being busy.


“Are you really, really busy doing nothing?”


Because sadly, so many people are.


In fact…


I’d go so far to say that it’s an epidemic!


You see…


Sadly we are now in the age of “deadly distraction!”


So many people have the latest shiny toys to make sure they waste every waking moment on doing not very much at all.
(I recently saw a holiday company with an advertising headline , “we offer a number of beautiful worldwide locations where you can go to and spend 2 weeks staring into your phone!”)


For many, it is so much easier to stay distracted and overplan, overschedule and overstimulate our brains than to actually slow down, spend time just “being” and really reflect on life and our purpose.


But the bad news is…


There is a really big cost to overstimulation.


Evidence shows that too much time on smartphones, social media, fast-paced TV, and other hi-tech life distractors are training our brains to lose the ability to concentrate.


So when we do have those rare moments to “swich off” and recharge our batteries (which is an essential human psychological and physical need), we can’t!


The brain keeps working at 200%, because it’s been trained to seek more and more stimulation – faster, smarter and better.


But that’s just the short term cost!


The long term cost is much bigger.


Imagine this…


You arrive at the last hour of your life and realize you wasted so much of your true potential as a human being – giving your time, energy and focus to these time wasting activities.


You see…


Most of us have life dreams
Most of us hope for more time, energy and financial freedom, doing something we truly love.
Very few actually get it.


And what do really epic performers do differently to the majority?


The never fall into the trap of “being busy for the sake of being busy”


Sure they are busy people.


But their “busyness” is always connected to a clear purpose.


It is focused.
It is planned.
It is meaningful.


You know…


I have dedicated much of my professional life to studying and learning from the world’s top achievers. Those people who make their dreams become reality.


And here’s just some of the things people who achieve their lifetime dreams do…


  • They start each day with a powerful routine that sets up their mind, body and spirit for a truly epic day.This includes physical exercise, healthy nutrition and some form of relaxation, like meditation.
  • They remain focused and avoid “deadly distraction”. So they control their technology and don’t let it control them. Emails are checked at specific times and never allowed to creep into their “focus” time. Social media is forgotten unless it has a clear purpose connected to their goals.
    And what about…
    TV? No time for that.
    Smart phones? Switched off regularly so nothing can disturb them.
  • They invest regular time out for reflection to help them connect with their bigger “purpose” and make sure everything they do is in line with this purpose.

    Sadly, like I said, it is true that the age of deadly distraction is upon us.


    But you don’t have to buy into it.
    You don’t have to let it get in the way of your dreams.
    You know where the off switch is on all your devices.


    And you know that to truly achieve your lifetime dreams, you, and only you, can make that happen.


    I’m off to focus on my next achievments with my phone and emails switched off.


    How about you?


    To your success







    P.S. Right now I am recruiting for the new class of the Accredited Virtual Masters in High Performance Leadership. Watch this to find out how the Masters could change your life!


    Steve Neale
    “Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


    Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership


What you will get: Clarity on how to live your life with doggy’tude.


Do you have enough doggy’tude in your life?


OK I confess…


I couldn’t resist sharing with you this photo of my supercute puppy Odi (Hungarian Wire Haired Viszla if you want one, photo taken by my wife Sandra)


And recently I posted the same photo on Facebook, together with some of my observations of how a puppy lives his life.


And my friend and colleague Razwana Wahid replied by saying, “I want me some doggy’tude!”


Which got me thinking…


Wouldn’t we all benefit from a little more doggy’tude in our lives.


So what exactly is doggy’tude?


Well, its the collective word for going through life with the attitude of a dog…


First of all this means living life more mindfully – in the now.


There is no future.
No past.
Only now.


Then of course…


There’s a dog’s attitude to new things…


Curious about everything that is new (though wisely a little cautious at first)
Open to exploring anything not seen or experienced before.
Readily enthusiastic about trying out new things.


And what about…


The puppy’s attitude towards people?


Everyone is good (until they prove they are not)
Everyone is to be loved unconditionally.
…and even if they do shout once in a while, they are quickly forgiven and all if forgotten.


Add to this mix an abundance of fun, fun and more fun (every moment is an opportunity to play)


…and you got you some serious doggy’tude!


So, how are your current levels of doggy’tude?


And what will you do to boost them some more?


I’m off to play with Odi and lose myself in a pure moment of joy – how about you?


To your success







P.S. Right now I am recruiting for the new class of the Accredited Virtual Masters in High Performance Leadership. Watch this to find out how the Masters could change your life!


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Negative Questions to Gain Clarity

What you will get: Reflections on what you want from life


“What don’t you want?”


And more to the point…


Why don’t you want it?


You see…


We are surrounded by a world of negativity.


And research from the field of Positive Psychology has shown that, because we are exposed to this negativity from an early age, most people’s brains are trained to focus on what is wrong.


And that’s why…


It can sometimes be difficult to focus on the positive things in life and what you really want from your journey.


Indeed, one of the big areas I help people explore on my Virtual Masters Leadership Programme is what to they really want from life.


And most people find that really difficult to answer this question to begin with.


Maybe because of the daily negative messages they are surrounded by, it’s hard to suddenly make that switch to positive thinking


So one way to start finding the answer to the question of what you really want from life is to ask yourself…


“What don’t I want?”


and then ask…


What are the things that trigger negative feelings in me?
When am I most bored?
What irritates me?
What do I least like doing?
What gets me angry?
What do I most dislike about my life right now?
What type of people do I least like hanging around with?
What are the qualities I most dislike in people?


And of course…


By answering these questions, you are also providing answers to what you do like and what you really want.


So take 10 minutes, get a blank piece of paper, start writing down some of the things you don’t like or want in your life,


And then…


Turn the whole thing upside down.


Write down all the opposites.


And what’s more…


This is the first, essential step in creating what you really want from your life.


You see…


Resistance is created form lack of clarity.


So until you can be really clear on what you do want, you will have internal resistance.


But as those clouds begin to clear and the blue sky emerges, suddenly you know where you want to go and why you want to go there.


And then…


You can start to make your step by step plan of how to get there.


I’m off to get more of what I really want from life. How about you?


To your success.







Ready to take that step to start connecting with you true purpose and live the happiest, most fulfilled life you can?
Act now and set up a free, informal talk with Steve to find out about the Virtual Masters in High Performance Leadership – Class VI starting very soon.


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Conditions of Worth

What you will get: An understanding of Conditions of Worth


“So what are you worth?”


And more to the point…


What conditions do you put on yourself in order to feel ok about yourself?


The topic of “conditions of worth” comes from a field of psychology linked to self worth.


So the theory goes…


Not all people are given healthy praise for who they are when they are children. So to cope with this lack of unconditional love and acceptance, many people go on a search to look for things that prove they are “ok”.


Things like…


A need to help others.
A need to make lots of money.


It’s called a condition of worth because quite literally in order to feel worthy there has to be a condition.


Typical examples are…


I’m ok as long as,


I am perfect.
I have lots of success.
I drive an expensive car.
I have status.
I wear exclusive clothes.
I am seen in the best eating places.


And so the list continue…


But this is really a false sense of worth.


You see a true and pure sense of self worth is linked to this belief:


“I am ok because I am me.”


So there is no need to show or prove anything to anyone else – because deep down you have a sense of feeling ok without needing evidence to show to the world.


In many ways…


This is the nirvana of self worth.


And when you reach it, it gives you so much.


Things like…


More freedom.
Less anxiety.
Inner peace.


Imagine a day when you never need to prove anything to anyone.
A day when you can let go of your own egotistical needs to focus on a bigger cause.
A day when you see more of the good in others and the world around you.


That’s why…


Dedicating time to developing your self worth and letting go of all the “conditions” you may have put on yourself will be one of the best investments you ever made.


And how do you do this?


Well you can start by signing up to my free self worth webinar later this week. There’s still time to grab one of the last places.


Like I said…


“I’m ok because I am me”


Kind of sounds good when you say that to yourself, right?


See you Thursday!


To your success.







P.S. It’s your last chance to register for my free webinar…
“Self Worth – Your Key to a Happy, Successful Life”


When? Sep 3, 2015 4:00 CET at:




In this lively, interactive hour Steve Neale will help you understand the real importance of self worth. Learn how all successful leadership is rooted and self worth and come away inspired with a toolkit to review, refresh and boost your self worth. Perhaps the most important webinar you will ever attend.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership

Gintare and Perfectionism

What you will get: A story about Gintare and perfectionism


“It’s just not good enough!”


Once again Gintare finds herself criticizing her own results.


The target was 80%
She achieved 90%.
But all her energy and attention was focused on the 10% she didn’t achieve.


“Why didn’t I get 100%? Why didn’t I do better?” were the dominating thoughts in Gintare’s head.


You see…


Ginatre’s parents brought her up to believe that she must always be the best at whatever she does. Coming second doesn’t count.


And in may ways this has given Ginatre some good things…


A desire to achieve.
A passion for improvement.
A drive to be better.


But sadly for Gintare, this has developed into the need to be perfect.


And you and I know…


Perfectionism is a disease.
It is impossible.
And it feeds unhappiness.


That’s why whenever Gintare succeeds it is never good enough.


And what’s worse…


It doesn’t just impact on herself.


She expects the same from her team. So she always focuses on what they could do better, never stopping to recognize what they are already good at.


The result?


A demotivated team with low levels of loyalty.


And then of course…


Like an unwanted guest in her house, the perfectionism creeps into Gintare’s personal life.


She wants to control her eating (everyone apart from Gintare can she is too thin).


She wants to control her friendships.


She wants to control her environment.


So her new car with a small scratch causes her lots of anxiety and irritation.


The waiter who spills the wine triggers anger in her.


The plane that is delayed is simply unacceptable!


So you see…


This unrealistic need for perfectionism creates misery in so many aspects of Gintare’s life…


She wants to control things she can’t.
She wants the perfect looks, so there is always something wrong with her appearance.
She expects perfect results, so is always disappointed with her performance and the performance of others around her.


And the tragic thing is…


It doesn’t have to be this way.


Perfectionism is a choice.
It comes from outdated beliefs and low self worth.


And beliefs are not facts.


You change your beliefs.
You change your self worth.
You change your life.


Sounds simple right?


Well actually it is.


There are 3 steps involved in banishing perfectionism from your life…


1 – Realise and accept you have it.
2 – Create an action plan using tried and tested tools to change your beliefs.
3 – Do it!


(I’ll be sharing with you the details of how to do this at my free webinar on self worth)


And you and I know that a perfect world is a dull world right?


Imagine a world were everything was perfect…


Everything went as planned.
Nothing unpredictable ever happened.
Everyone looked and behaved in a perfect way.


Pretty boring don’t you think?


And a world full of imperfection gives colour, variety, different emotions and a rich template for learning.


And what’s more…


It is full of healthy beliefs.


Beliefs like…


“I’m ok if I do my best.”
“Good enough is good enough.”
“It’s ok to let go sometimes.”


So, I’m off to give today my best shot and be fully content with that.


How about you?


To your success.







P.S. Have you registered yet for my next free webinar?
“Self Worth – Your Key to a Happy, Successful Life”


When? Sep 3, 2015 4:00 CET at:




In this lively, interactive hour Steve Neale will help you understand the real importance of self worth. Learn how all successful leadership is rooted and self worth and come away inspired with a toolkit to review, refresh and boost your self worth. Perhaps the most important webinar you will ever attend.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Steve Neale
“Europe’s Leading Expert on Personal and Professional Growth”


Psychologist, Executive Coach, EI Practitioner, Award Winning Trainer, International Author, Psychodynamic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Instructor, International Speaker, Creator of the LPS, Creator of the Accredited Masters in High Performance Leadership